3 – 6 – 9 BOWLING TOURNAMENT Saturday October 12, 2019 11:00am & 2:00pm Deadline to enter is October 10, 2019 1. This is a SINGLES TOURNAMENT with 2 Divisions: MEN’S & WOMEN’S (USBC CERTIFIED) Participants must hold a current USBC...
Now is the time to sign up for our Fall/Winter Bowling League. Reach out to the league contact person and get signed up. Download our information flyer by clicking here. Download the Junior Bowling League information flyer by clicking here....
NEW YEARS DAY BOWLING TOURNAMENT Friday January 1, 2021 12:00 NOON This is a SINGLES TOURNAMENT held in two divisions: A Division – 170 average and above; B Division – 169 average and below. USBC CERTIFIED – all participants must hold a current...
Our 2020 Sizzlin’ Summer Bowling League is here. Starting June 3 and going through August 12th. 3 member teams any combination. PAY ONLY IF YOU BOWL! Sign up and join us for FUN! Important dates to remember: Sign up NOW League starts June 3, 2020 Bowl Wednesday...
Saturday February 15, 2020 11:00AM & 2:00PM Submit Entry at Front Desk or Tyraludgate@hotmail.com (559-0431) by February 13, 2020 @ 8pm Cedar Bowling Center 421 E Hwy 91 Cedar City, Ut 84721 435-586-1383 Download our information flyer by clicking here....
NEW YEARS DAY BOWLING TOURNAMENT Tuesday January 1, 2020 12:00 NOON This is a SINGLES TOURNAMENT held in two divisions: A Division – 170 average and above; B Division – 169 average and below. USBC CERTIFIED – all participants must hold a current...